API Reference

tryme - error handling for humans

class tryme.Try(value, message=None, start=None, end=None, count=1)[source]

Bases: tryme.tryme.Monad, tryme.tryme.Ord

A wrapper for operations that may fail

Represents values/computations with two possibilities.

  • value – value to contain
  • message – (optional) message to output to console if to_console is called. If None, a string representation of the contained value is output. Defaults to None
  • start (int) – (optional) start time for the operation, in seconds since the UNIX epoch time.time() is typically used for this value. Defaults to None.
  • end (int) – (optional) end time for the operation, in seconds since the UNIX epoch time.time() is typically used for this value. Defaults to None.
  • count – (optional) number of times the operation has been executed. Defaults to 1


>>> Success(42)
>>> Success([1, 2, 3])
Success([1, 2, 3])
>>> Failure('Error')
>>> Success(Failure('Error'))
>>> isinstance(Success(1), Try)
>>> isinstance(Failure(None), Try)
>>> saving = 100
>>> insolvent = Failure('I am insolvent')
>>> spend = lambda cost: insolvent if cost > saving else Success(saving - cost)
>>> spend(90)
>>> spend(120)
Failure('I am insolvent')

Map operation with map, applies function to value only if it is a Success and returns a Success

>>> inc = lambda n: n + 1
>>> Success(0)
>>> Success(0).map(inc)
>>> Success(0).map(inc).map(inc)
>>> Failure(0).map(inc)

Comparison with ==, as long as they are the same type and what’s wrapped inside are comparable.

>>> Failure(42) == Failure(42)
>>> Success(42) == Success(42)
>>> Failure(42) == Success(42)

A Failure is less than a Success, or compare the two by the values inside if thay are of the same type.

>>> Failure(42) < Success(42)
>>> Success(0) > Failure(100)
>>> Failure('Error message') > Success(42)
>>> Failure(100) > Failure(42)
>>> Success(-2) < Success(-1)

Number of times the operation has been tried


End time of the operation in seconds since the UNIX epoch if the start and end arguments were specified in the constructor or with the update method, None otherwise


End time of the operation in seconds since the UNIX epoch if specified in the constructor or with the update method, None otherwise


If a Failure, write the message to stderr and exit with return code of exit_status Does nothing if a Success

Parameters:exit_status (int) – (optional) the numeric exist status to return if exit is True

Return a Boolean that indicates if the value is an instance of Failure

>>> Failure('shit is fucked up').failed()
>>> Success('it worked!').failed()

If a Success, convert this to a Failure if the predicate is not satisfied. Applies predicate to the wrapped value

Parameters:predicate – a function that takes the wrapped value as its argument and returns a boolean value
Return type:Try object

Gets the Success value if this is a Success otherwise throws an exception


Gets the Failure value if this is a Failure otherwise throws an exception


Returns the value from this Success or the given default argument if this is a Failure.


The map operation of Try to Success instances

Applies function to the value if and only if this is a Success.


The map operation of Try to Failure instances

Applies function to the value if and only if this is a Success.


Return the message for the Try. If the message argument was provided to the constructor that value is returned. Otherwise the string representation of the contained value is returened

raise_for_error(exception=<class 'tryme.tryme.FailureError'>)[source]

Raise an exception if self is an instance of Failure. If the wrapped value is an instance of Exeception or one of its subclasses, it is raised directly. The the optional argument exception is specified, that type is raised with the wrapped value as its argument. Otherwise, FailureError is raised. This method has no effect is self is an instance of Success.

Parameters:exception – (optional) type of Exception to raise

Start time of the operation in seconds since the UNIX epoch if specified in the constructor or with the update method, None otherwise


Return a Boolean that indicates if the value is an instance of Success

>>> Success(True).succeeded()
>>> Failure('fubar').succeeded()
to_console(nl=True, exit_err=False, exit_status=1)[source]

Write a message to the console. By convention, Success messages are written to stdout and Failure messages are written to stderr. The Failure’s cause is written to stderr while the string repesentation of the Success’s _value is written.

  • message – the message to print
  • err – (optional) if set to true the file defaults to stderr instead of stdout.
  • nl – (optional) if set to True (the default) a newline is printed afterwards.
  • exit_err – (optional) if set to True, exit the running program with a non-zero exit code
  • exit_status – (optional) the numeric exist status to return if exit is True
update(message=None, start=None, end=None, count=1)[source]

Update the Try with new properties but the same value. Returns a new Failure or Success and does not actually update in place.

  • message – (optional) message to output to console if to_console is called. If None, a string representation of the contained value is output. Defaults to None
  • start (int) – (optional) start time for the operation, in seconds since the UNIX epoch time.time() is typically used for this value. Defaults to None.
  • end (int) – (optional) end time for the operation, in seconds since the UNIX epoch time.time() is typically used for this value. Defaults to None.
  • count – (optional) number of times the operation has been executed. Defaults to 1
class tryme.Failure(value, message=None, start=None, end=None, count=1)[source]

Bases: tryme.tryme.Try

Failure of Try.

class tryme.Success(value, message=None, start=None, end=None, count=1)[source]

Bases: tryme.tryme.Try

Success of Try.

class tryme.Again(value, message=None, start=None, end=None, count=1)[source]

Bases: tryme.tryme.Failure

Again of Failure. A handy alias of Failure to indicate that an operation should be retried

class tryme.Stop(value, message=None, start=None, end=None, count=1)[source]

Bases: tryme.tryme.Success

Stop of Success. A handy alias of Success to indicate that an operation should not be retried

class tryme.Maybe(value)[source]

Bases: tryme.tryme.Monad, tryme.tryme.Ord

A wrapper for values that be None

>>> Some(42)
>>> Some([1, 2, 3])
Some([1, 2, 3])
>>> Some(Nothing)
>>> Some(Some(2))
>>> isinstance(Some(1), Maybe)
>>> isinstance(Nothing, Maybe)
>>> saving = 100
>>> spend = lambda cost: Nothing if cost > saving else Some(saving - cost)
>>> spend(90)
>>> spend(120)
>>> safe_div = lambda a, b: Nothing if b == 0 else Some(a / b)
>>> safe_div(12.0, 6)
>>> safe_div(12.0, 0)

Map operation with map. Not that map only applies a function if the object is an instance of Some. In the case of a Some, map returns the transformed value inside a Some. No action is taken for a Nothing.

>>> inc = lambda n: n + 1
>>> Some(0)
>>> Some(0).map(inc)
>>> Some(0).map(inc).map(inc)
>>> Nothing.map(inc)

Comparison with ==, as long as what’s wrapped inside are comparable.

>>> Some(42) == Some(42)
>>> Some(42) == Nothing
>>> Nothing == Nothing

Returns Some(value) if this is a Some and the value satisfies the given predicate.

Parameters:predicate – a function that takes the wrapped value as its argument and returns a boolean value
Return type:Maybe object
classmethod from_value(value)[source]

Wraps value in a Maybe monad.

Returns a Some if the value is evaluated as true. Nothing otherwise.


Return the wrapped value if this is Some otherwise throws an exception


Returns the value from this Some or the given default argument otherwise.


Returns true, if this is Some, otherwise false, if this is Nothing.


Returns true, if this is None, otherwise false, if this is Some.


The map operation of Maybe.

Applies function to the value if and only if this is a Some.


alias of Maybe

tryme.try_out(callable, exception=None)[source]

Executes a callable and wraps a raised exception in a Failure class. If an exception was not raised, a Success is returned. If the keyword argument exception is not None, only wrap the specified exception. Raise all other exceptions. The stacktrace related to the exception is added to the wrapped exception as the stracktrace property

Parameters:callable – A callable reference, should return a value other than None
Rtype Try:a Success or Failure
tryme.to_console(message=None, nl=True, err=False, exit_err=False, exit_status=1)[source]

Write a message to the console

  • message – the message to print
  • err – (optional) if set to true the file defaults to stderr instead of stdout.
  • nl – (optional) if set to True (the default) a newline is printed afterwards.
  • exit_err – (optional) if set to True, exit the running program with a non-zero exit code
  • exit_status – (optional) the numeric exist status to return if exit is True
tryme.retry(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Function that wraps a callable with a retry loop. The callable should only return :class:Failure, :class:Success, or raise an exception. This function can be used as a decorator or directly wrap a function. This method returns a a result object which is an instance of py:class:Success or py:class:Failure. This function updates the result with the time of the first attempt, the time of the last attempt, and the total count of attempts

  • acallable (function) – object that can be called
  • timeout (int) – (optional) maximum period, in seconds, to wait until an individual try succeeds. Defaults to 300 seconds.
  • delay (int) – (optional) delay between retries in seconds. Defaults to 5 seconds.
  • status_callback (function) – (optional) callback to invoke after each retry, is passed the result as an argument. Defaults to None.
>>> deadline = time.time() + 300
>>> dinner_iterator = iter([False, False, True])
>>> def dinner_is_ready():
...     return next(dinner_iterator)
>>> breakfast_iterator = iter([False, False, True])
>>> def breakfast_is_ready():
...     return next(breakfast_iterator)
>>> @retry
... def wait_for_dinner():
...     if dinner_is_ready():
...         return Success("Ready!")
...     else:
...         return Failure("not ready yet")
>>> result = wait_for_dinner()  
>>> result  
>>> result.elapsed  
>>> result.count  
>>> @retry
... def wait_for_breakfast():
...     if breakfast_is_ready():
...         return Success("Ready!")
...     else:
...         return Failure("not ready yet")
>>> result = wait_for_breakfast() 
>>> result.elapsed   
>>> result.count 

The names py:class:Success and py:class:Failure do not always map well to operations that need to be retried. The subclasses py:class:Stop and py:class:Again can be more intuitive.:

>>> breakfast_iterator = iter([False, False, True])
>>> def breakfast_is_ready():
...     return next(breakfast_iterator)
>>> @retry
... def wait_for_breakfast():
...     if breakfast_is_ready():
...         return Stop("Ready!")
...     else:
...         return Again("not ready yet")